
It seems everyone wants to get into payments processing game. First there were reports of Apple launching a mobile payments network built on the back of iTunes, and now the Wall Street Journal is saying Amazon(s amzn) has the same idea, using its Kindle line and relationship with millions of online shoppers to build a point-of-sale payments platform that could compete with the likes of both Verifone(s pay) and Square.

Though Amazon’s plans aren’t firmly set, it’s supposedly weighing a two-sided payments model that would allow it to sell Kindle tablets and accompanying credit card processing technology to brick-and-mortar retailers as well as sell consumers a kind of digital wallet, the Journal reported.

Kindle Fire HDX 8.9

That wallet in the most basic sense might simply link a customer’s Amazon account to the point-of-sale network, allowing customers to take advantage of coupons or promotions distributed by Amazon. The Journal’s unnamed sources, however, said Amazon…

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